Friday, September 20, 2024

An Essay That Takes Me Back To Pateley Bridge -- September 20, 2024

Friday nights I save for "top stories," but that's such drudgery.

I think this must be the most relaxed, happy, calm I've been in a long time, perhaps in my life, save for those evenings in Yorkshire, England, in the early 2000s. 

The past two weeks .... everything, everywhere happening all at once .... with regard to family, blogging, physical pain (I think the worst I've ever experienced), but no emotional pain (thank goodness), needing to be in three places at one time ...

But now, all of a sudden two hours, maybe three hours of early evening perfectness. Is that even a word?

So, what does one do when in such a state? Start with the best.

I opened the current issue of The Atlantic. This issue is all about Trump. We'll come back to that later. 

But there are a couple of exceptions. One of the exceptions: a five-pay essay on Leonard Cohen, or more accurately, an essay on a new biography of Leonard Cohen being released this month, September, 2024. The 500-page book: Christophe Lebold's: The Man Who Saw the Angels Fall.

I read excerpts of the book at Amazon; the first song mentioned: "I Can't Forget" from I'm Your Man (1988). 

I'm surrounded by magazines and books that I've started but only (just started). I can pick up any one of those magazines and/or books and find the spot where I left off and begin reading again. The three books I'm most actively engaged with right now: The Plausible Man; Horse; and, Geniuses At War.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wow, I Wish I Could Watch "Twisters" With Pat This Weekend -- July 18, 2024

Some nights, it seems, I miss Pat more and more as each week goes by.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Movie Page -- July 7, 2024

The Movie Page 

The movie today. I know exactly with whom I would share this movie.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Seventy Is the New Fifty -- May 10, 2024

I see this blog is still "public." 

I leave it "open" periodically in case Pat is googling me, surfing the net. 

In a different universe, I would be with Pat. I am less than satisfied in my current situation.

If it weren't for the granddaughters, I would be connecting again with Pat. 

On another note, I am smitten with a 30-ish year-old music teacher at Sophia's elementary school.

It's a long story but suffice it to say, I enjoy giving her a teacher's appreciation gift of $100 every three to four months or so. Ms. V-------. O.C. Taylor Elementary School. My goal is to give her a monetary gift for many, many years after I die.

One word: vivacious. 

Pat: was vivacious. For me, she was intellectually curious, and truly had a love for life. I would have loved to explore the world with her in our seventies. For me, 70 is the new 50 and that would have been the same for Pat.

Later: July 5, 2024 -- last night was a particularly hard night for me, thinking about Pat. This morning I'm doing better. I got to thinking about Pat again when I was reading about the Native American mounds east of St Louis, knowing that's where Pat and I would spend a lot of time if things were different.